Thursday, August 15, 2013

Non-Surgical Treatment for Bunions

Yesterday, we spoke of the surgical procedures than can be accomplished through surgical means to make sure to get rid of pesky , and sometimes very painful bunions on the foot. Although surgically getting rid of bunions usually helps a lot, its usually the last resort because it does require surgery. Most people only get a bunionectomy (surgery for bunions) , when the non-surgical treatments, and/or remedies do not work. Below are some examples of the non-surgical techniques that a patient should ALWAYS try before considering surgery.

  1. Roomier Shoes - Starting fresh with a new pair of "Roomy" shoes in many cases can cause the bunion to lesson. Many times bunions begin to form due to no room left in the toe area and thus the toes crunching up together and causing joint problems such as bunions. Be advised please to get a shoe that has room in the toes and that lets your feet and toes have some "breathing room" to help with bunions.
  2. Padding and Taping - Adding extra padding and taping (most cases put on by podiatrist) can alleviate and in many cases help align your toes into better positioning so your bunion does not worsen, and the pain is alleviated. It is best to find out the proper tape and padding to put on by either going to see a trained podiatrist, or by also doing your own good research.
Different Treatments for Bunions

  3. Medications - Medications such as Ibuprofin , Tylenol, Aleve, and Advil can help to take away some         of the pain temporarily, and in many cases is a great way to take down some of the pain associated with       bunions and the joints of the toes.

  4. Custom Orthotics - Orthotics are a good way of helping with the effects of a bunion by helping to               the foot in many cases to the proper positioning, including the toes. Making sure to get a good custom         orthotic is wise however, because a custom orthotic is molded specifically for "your" foot.

NewGen Orthotics Custom Orthotic

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