Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bunionectomy Surgery

Yesterday, I spoke to the issues and causes of bunions. Many of the treatments offered for bunions are able to be accomplished without surgery. Treatments such as extra padding, roomier shoes, and Orthotics, can quite often relieve and fix the problems associated with painful and often large bunions.

However, if these traditional non-surgical procedures used do not help to reduce or get rid of the the bunion, many times surgical procedures must be undergone to get rid of a bunion. Bunion Surgery, also called a "bunionectomy", involves an incision by a podiatrist in the top or side of the big toe joint, and removal and re-alignmment of soft tissue and bone according to WebMD website. This surgery is done to relieve pain and to restore alignment to the joint. If the joint is SEVERELY deformed though, wires, plates, or screws can be used to make sure proper alignment lasts. A bunionectomy usually lasts for an hour or more and is done in an outpatient facility for the most part.

As with any surgery, there is always some risk involved so a bunion surgery should usually be done only when the over the counter/non surgical remedies do not work. A good doctor should with lots of good reviews of corrective surgeries should always be checked out as well so you make sure the best doctor with a high level of surgical skill will be working with your problem area. For more information on a "bunionectomy" you can also check out other good medical sources such as Mayo Clinic or Web MD to find out what is the best route to take in fixing your foot issues. 

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