Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When To Look At Getting Custom Orthotics

There are many foot problems a patient may have starting from bunions, to heel spurs, diabetic issues, and plantat fasciitis. However, a good custom orthotic may not help all or even many of the foot problems a patient may have. Below are the issues to look for where a good Custom Orthotic could help in.

 Metatarsalgia (pictured below) Effects Bones and Joints at Ball of the Foot

  •  Plantar Fasciitis - a common painful inflammation of the sole of the foot, most easily recognized by its tendency to cause pain first thing in the morning.     

  • Arthritis - which often affects joints of the foot.

  • Diabetes - which intereferes with circulation in the feet, requiring custom shoe modifications or custom-built footwear.

  • Metatarsalgia -a painful foot disorder that affects the bones and joints at the ball of the foot.

A good custom orthotic can help

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