Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Varus vs. Valgus

In orthopedics (wikipedia), a varus deformity is a term for the inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint. The opposite of varus is called valgus , in which the angulation is pointed outwards. However, when referring to both varus vs. valgus there is a much easier and simpler way to get the concept of these two problems.

Varus is the foot pointed "inwards", and sometimes can be seen as looking "bow legged". The varus foot is pointed "outwards", and can be seen as having "knocked knees. As you can see in the following picture, the varus foot and toes are largely pointed inwards, and the valgus foot and toes are pointed outwards.

Varus vs. Valgus Pictured

One good way to help alleviate the foot pains associated with varus or valgus foot problems is to get a very good custom orthotic from a good podiatrist or PT. A good doctor or PT will know whom to get the best custom orthotics from to help the issue. Only a good custom orthotic will be able to manipulate each foot custom from a mold, impression foam, or scanner. So always make sure to see someone who will honestly want to help.

NewGen Custom Orthotic

NewGen Advanced Orthotics Lab uses super high quality direct milling technology which actually cuts the orthotic from a solid block of polypropylene to EXACTING custom measures. If you would like to learn more about our orthotics and/or other products or have any questions please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-756-0257.

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