Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Evolution of Foot Casting ...

The evolution of the different ways of foot casting is a lot like any change to a deisgned business model. It is good that business is not stagnant and is trying to evolve into new and better ways to help the consumer ,but it is a tricky hill to come down from. The main thing that a consumer needs to think about it is rationally thinking about what these "newer" ideas and "practices" are, and if they are really at the "heart" of helping.

The Heart of Medical Care

This is no different in the orthotics field where the different ways of casting for orthotics can be looked at for either helping or hurting the patient's chances of being cared for. Since the 1960's the orthotics model of casting has been changed from plaster casting , to Foam Impression, to now a new digital way of casting which is a 3D Scanner. The Good News? NewGen Advanced Orthotics Lab has found that although there have been trend changes in orthotic casting throughout the last 50 or so years, that the quality of these changes has actually trended better in the care for the patient.

From This (Plaster Casting)

The newer 3D Foot Scanners seem to actually be able to catch the foot image in a better capacity then before and without use of wasted materials such as Foam Boxes and Plaster Casts. The ingenious move from the physical materials having to be shipped from Dr. to Lab is now changing.Doctors now (podiatrists) are being able to, in one single mouse click send the very ACCURATE patient info to the orthotics labs in seconds I believe is a great thing.

To Now (3D Foot Scanning)

As Technology shapes some of the world in which we live in there will be both good and bad ideas for moving forward. At NewGen Advanced Orthotics though , we do believe the evolution from plaster casting and Foam Impression Boxes to the new foot scanners is definitely a step in the right direction ...

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